Monday, April 19, 2010

I WANT TO CAMP POINTS ... now listed for 4/20/2010

Wow, you kept us busy all weekend. I'm posting points and names. Let me know if you want to be a contestant and we missed you or if you think points are missing. We did have duplicate names and postings and the first posting based on time/day stamp was the one we counted.

We have another weekend project ... this one will gain points for going to some of our radio sponsors' events. We'll announce it early so you can plan. One location is in Los Angeles beach area, the other San Diego beach area so with a great weekend ahead you will be able to pick your location for points.

Watch for posts ... for O.C., L.A. and San Diego folks who wanted earlier posts of clues to sponsors  - we are going to post the next days location the night before. Hope that helps. Thanks again  for participating and remember we will have some additional prizes at the end, with one drawn from all contestants no matter what the points.

Remember, if you think we missed something, please let us know and we'll confirm. And if you are lagging behind, don't worry. There are plenty of weekend projects that can help you get points in a hurry - just like the I"M A FAN BECAUSE.

Our way of saying thanks for playing.

Aislinn Burke 50
Andrew Rios 50
Angela Barra 50
Cara Nichelson McDermott 1975
Cathy Stevens 50
Cecilia Swiney this 0
Chandra Taylor 50
Charlie Brown 0
Chris Mynes 1900
Claudia Jimenez 50
Deanna Felt 375
Erica Delahoussaye 50
Frank Savedra 75
Gary Gillis 250
Geoffrey Rasmussen 50
Gina Flores Reis 50
Heather Gysler Daily 450
Helga Donnert Hauptmann 50
Jeanne Adams 1000
Jennifer Benzie Faulkner 50
Jill Bautista Grissom 0
Jody Solorio Bogner 2450
John McCaffery 50
Kat Ellis 350
Kelli Ryan 400
Kelli Zuniga 50
Kevin Craig 75
Laura Garcia 50
Lauren Dill 350
Linda Shores 200
Manda Brown 75
Mari Cabrera 50
Mari-Liis Saaremagi-Mynes 450
Michael Crawford 50
Michelle Rosborough 50
Michiyo Harrigan 50
Nancy Tamura 50
Nicole Brummet 50
Nicole Renea Jacobsen 100
Patti Waters 50
Paulette Ravy 200
Sarah Spjut 75
Shannan Buffolino 100
Shawn Rene Aguirre 50
Sheila Wills-Brandt 50
Susan Mills Foster 50
Teresa Ramos 50
Terry CiCiCarillo 275
Theresa Matthews 50
Tina Barton 50
Tonia Hill 50
Tyeva Winborne 50
Wendy Cordon 75

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